Mlflow support

If you use MLflow and kedro-mlflow for the Kedro pipeline runs monitoring, the plugin will automatically enable support for:

  • starting the experiment when the pipeline starts,

  • logging all the parameters, tags, metrics and artifacts under unified MLFlow run.

To make sure that the plugin discovery mechanism works, add kedro-mlflow as a dependencies to src/ and run:

$ pip-compile src/ > src/requirements.txt 
$ kedro install
$ kedro mlflow init

Then, adjust the kedro-mlflow configuration and point to the mlflow server by editing conf/local/mlflow.yml and adjusting mlflow_tracking_uri key. Then, build the image:

$ kedro docker build

And re-push the image to the remote registry.

If kedro-mlflow is not installed as dependency and configuration is not in place (missing kedro mlflow init), the MLflow experiment will not be initialized and available for pipeline tasks in Apache Airflow DAG.

Authentication to MLflow API

Given that Airflow has access to GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS variable, it’s possible to configure plugin to use Google service account to authenticate to secured MLflow API endpoint, by generating OAuth2 token.

All is required to have GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable setup in Airflow installation and MLflow to be protected by Google as an issuer. The other thing is to have environment variable GOOGLE_AUDIENCE which indicates OAuth2 audience the token should be issued for.

Also, plugin configuration requires the following:

    type: GoogleOAuth2

NOTE: Authentication is an optional element and is used when starting MLflow experiment, so if MLflow is enabled in project configuration. It does not setup authentication inside Kedro nodes, this has to be handled by the project. Check GoogleOAuth2Handler class for details.